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Ancient Éire Wellness® 

   ®Registered Trademark Name above & logos. All Rights Reserved ©

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Eight Fold Wheel of the year

The Old Oak Tree at the Hill of Tara, Photo Taken Author M. Delaney/Máire Ní Dubhshláinne 2024 


Ancient Éire Wellness® is a space where you will find a sense of fellowship, peace, healing warmth & Ancestral wisdom, beneath the Sun, Moon & Stars, carried by the same wind, fire, water & earth that guided and protected our Ancestors.
Through different activities people can explore & access this learning space, gain insights, restorative moments, fuelled by the whisperings of those who have gone before us, many, many magical moons ago.... 

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Photos: Traditional 3 legged St. Brigid's Cross 


Oonagh Grove® is a live classroom, a part of OBOD's Planting programme, using native Irish trees.

Populated with Indigenous herbs, plants & grasses.

Dedicated to Peace, Learning & Wellness.


A Living Artifact, Garrán Síochána Oonagh

(Oonagh Peace Grove)

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The Eight Fold Wheel of the Year


Lunar Festivals

(Quarter Days)

Winter Solstice - Alban Arthan/The Light of Arthur - Grianstad - - 21/22 Dec.

Spring Equinox - Alban Eilir/Light of the Earth - Cónocht an Earraigh20th March

Summer Solstice - Alban Hefin/Light of the Shore - Grianstad an tsamhraidh20/21/22 June

Authumn Equinox - Alban Elfed/Light of the Water - 21/22/23/24 Sept - Mabon - Cónocht an Fhomhair (These Dates can vary slightly across the years)

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Solar/Fire Festivals

(Cross Quarter Days)

Samhuinn - October 31st - Nov 2nd  "The time of no time"

Imbolc/Oimelc - Eve of Feb 1st/2nd 

Bealtane/Cétshamain - May 1st

Lughnasadh - August 1st

The Eight fold wheel of the year

Under the Mighty Oak

Course released soon - Oonagh Myths & Legends:


Click St. Brighid's Cross button below for info blurb

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The Old Oak Tree at the Hill of Tara, Photo Taken Author M. Delaney/Máire Ní Dubhshláinne 2024 

"Ireland the Island of Saints, Scholars... & Druids"


Course released soon:

 The Island of Ireland has three Patron Saints:

St. Brighid, St. Patrick and St. Columba.

Click St. Brighid's Cross below for info blurb

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Monasteries, Monks, Wells & Women of Éire 


Course released soon:

Click St. Brighid's Cross below for info blurb

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Clonmacnoise/An Cloithreán  Monastic Site 

Photo: Author/Powerscourt Waterfall,  The River Dargle, Enniskerry, County Wicklow.

Click Circles for information


Click Circles for information


Click Circles for information


Literature & Artifacts

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(RecordedProduced by Makka)

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Sound Cloud


About Me


Maria Delaney

(Máire Bridget Ní Dubhshláinne) RGN, Masters PGD Learning & Teaching Distinction/Awarded the Deans Academic Award of Excellence.  

SWIFT/Maynooth University

- OBOD (Fílí/Fáith Grades) & NOD (Fílí Grade) 




Registered with Sound Healing Association of Ireland (SHAI)



Maria's background in Nursing, qualifying and registering as a General Nurse in 1993. Moving on to work and continuously professionally develop as a professional within the healthcare sector. Maria is also a Mother of four, who ranks this role as one of the most significant learning experiences of her life, that she will be forever grateful! 


Learning & Teaching

Maria's work is driven by her own personal experience moving through life and education. Re-engaging with education again, as an adult student, to complete her Post Graduate QQI L9, Masters in learning & Teaching, aimed at Adult/Further education. Achieving an overall Distinction & receiving the Deans Academic Award of Excellence in 2017, changed the course of her life. This experience was one of whole person development - life changing!

Her approach is firmly focused on, helping others to have the same opportunity she had, Maria goes to great lengths to foster the facilitation of learners "whole person development" in her classes, using the learning process itself as a tool to craft an experience that enables participants to flow & develop holistically as individuals, in tandem with course learning goals. 

Currently Maria is an established Health Science Department, Educator & Coordinator, working with PLC, Adult Education Students, for City of Dublin Education Training Board. 


​Complimentary Medicine Practitioner

Maria's early interest in all things "Ancient", has brought her to this point, where she aims to share what she has learnt along the way with others. Maria has trained in Sound Therapy, Gong Mastery and is a Registered Practitioner with the Prestigious Complimentary Medicine Association (MCMA), also registered with the Sound Healing Association of Ireland (SHAI). Maria has merged her expertise & experience as a General Nurse, and Healthcare Educator, to include Sound healing & Gong therapy. 

​Old Ways, Irish Tradition, Culture & Druidry

Maria holds basic experiential knowledge base around herbs & herbal remedies, fostered in her early years, building naturally along the true oral tradition route, from one generation to the next, Grandmother to Mother to Child, in similar Oral fashion to the indigenous druidic ways of old. As a child, the oral tradition of sharing tall tales, ancient stories & culture,  the old ways, swirled around, classrooms, conversations, story books & the landscape of her Grandmothers farm in County Kilkenny. The Farms Life force infused giant Christian Mass stone, its natural spring, and Oak lined ring fort (Ráth), hinted at ancient ways, holding a kind of living history that could captivate anyone who was open to its flow...

Maria began her Druidic studies as a young adult, merging her childhood learnings and experiences with her exploration of ancient Irish sites, and any teachings she could lay her hands on. Finding similarities between the  Druidic approach to learning & personal development, through its oral tradition, and her own individual teaching practice approach, as an Educator within the Irish Adult Educational system. The power of this storytelling tradition also weaved its way into her work, naturally, as a Registered Healthcare Professional, where a part of her care provision included the space for connection through storytelling where ever possible. "Where there are stories there are people & Visa Versa". Maria officially joined the Order of Bards, Ovate's & Druids (OBOD) in 2024, & is also a Member of New Order of Druids (NOD).  With a love of life long learning,& continuous personal development, she is also studying Brehon Law, Norse tradition, Druidry/Ancient Indigenous Culture & the Power of Sound...

Ancient Éire Wellness®

Ancient Éire Wellness®, aims to provide a space for you to connect with information, Learning &  restorative experiences, inspired by our Ancestors love & connection with nature,  the sun, the moon and the stars.  Ancient Éire Wellness offers space to pause & re-connect with the self & our natural world, it aims to carry forward some of this magical learning & fellowship to those live well and love life in the now.  

"Nothing is worth more than this day. You cannot relive yesterday. Tomorrow is still beyond your reach"  - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe




Information below  


Credit all Photos - Máire Ní Dubhshláine




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 ®Registered Trademark Name and Logos All Rights Reserved. 2024 ©- Ancient Éire Wellness ® - Garrán Síochána Oonagh (Oonagh Peace Grove)   Website Created © by Máire Ní Dubhshláinne, all images & Videos/Media subject to Copyright © M. Dubhshlaine - image in this section Tramore, County Waterford, Éire.
Declaration: No creative content/images/writings have been created or generated by AI on this website or its blogs. All content created by website's Human Author.
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